Dr Holger Flick

Since 1996, Dr. Holger Flick has been using Delphi as his primary development platform and has been an active member of the community. He studied computer science at Dortmund University and later wrote his dissertation at the Ruhr University in Bochum in the field of telemedicine. For his passion for and knowledge of Delphi he was awarded the “Delphi MVP” moniker in 2016. In 2019, Holger moved to the United States of America (USA) and established his new company FlixEngineering LLC. The company focuses on consulting, training and software development using object-oriented programming languages like Delphi, C#, Swift, and Objective-C. Holger is part of the TMS Software family providing his expertise as Chief Evangelist and QA Engineer.

Hands-on with Delphi - Volume 1

Hands-on with Delphi - Volume 1


Dr Holger Flick
Delphi has been established as one of the best software development tools for Windows desktop applications. Since its inception in 1995, it has constantly grown with the challenges of the IT industry. Today, applications often must be deployable to multiple platforms or mobile devices and offer non-proprietary interfaces for interaction with other software or hardware. TMS Software has been offering software components and products specifically designed for Delphi developers since the first version of Delphi. From recent seminars, conferences, and events TMS realized that practical examples how to make use of their components and products have the greatest learning effect. This idea lead to the Hands-on series.In this first book of the Hands-on series, several examples for a reproducible usage scenario are built. Write a professional web service for a database with over 8 million records. Design VCL, FireMonkey and TMS WEB Core web clients for multiple platforms and devices. Implement a reporting service with XData. Generate signed PDF documents with a customizable template. Add a token-based login to your services. Build user interfaces with vector images to be ready for any display resolution. Encrypt sensitive data using modern algorithms. Use parallel programming to build responsive client applications. Write better code with static code analysis. Examples use TMS FixInsight, FlexCel, FNC Core, FNC UI Pack, VCL UI Pack, WEB Core, and XData. Embarcadero Delphi Rio 10.3 or newer suggested. Trial versions suffice to run the example projects. MySQL is used as database server. Any other database can be used that is compatible with XData. Web/XData basics explained in “TMS WEB Core: Web Application Development with Delphi” are not included again but referenced.
Hands-on with Delphi - Volume 2

Hands-on with Delphi - Volume 2


Dr Holger Flick
Learn to build modern Delphi applications for multiple platformswith maps and geographic focus by example! Delphi comes with native compilers for Windows, Linux, Apple macOS, iOS, and Android. TMS Software has been offering software components and products specifically designed for Delphi developers since the first version of Delphi. From recent seminars, conferences, and events, TMS realized that practical examples how to make use of their components and products have the greatest learning effect. This idea led to the Hands-on series. In this second book, applications that make use of FNC Maps are front and center. It is a new component-based framework to access mapping and other geographic services from Google Maps, TomTom, Microsoft Bing Maps, Microsoft Azure, Mapbox, Here, and OpenLayers. Be it in the VCL, FireMonkey, or LCL, using the framework is as easy as dropping a component on your form. It delivers Rapid Application Development at its best. All topics are explained with examples that can be transferred to your specific use case easily. Get to know the FNC framework, FNC Core, and FNC Maps in a nutshell. Learn about FNC Maps in detail: You will find dozens of hands-on examples from installation to modern multi-tier applications with large databases, web services, web, and desktop clients. Annotate maps and visualize data using markers with clustering, lines, shapes, pop-up windows and routes. Build applications that can handle any geographical data and interact with other Geographic Information Services (GIS). Load GPX tracks from GPS devices, GeoJSON shapes, and Google Earth-specific KML layers. Include other mapping services to get directions with turn-by-turn instructions, to geocode addresses, and to determine your geolocation. Create reports with a customizable template based on data from maps and databases. Allow users to freely customize maps using events or interactive markers and shapes. Examples use TMS FlexCel, FNC Core, VCL UI Pack, WEB Core, Cryptography Pack, and XData. Embarcadero Delphi Sydney 10.4 or newer suggested. Trial versions and free developer accounts of service providers suffice to run the examples. SQLite database examples are ready for use without server setup. Basics for reporting, web, and XData explained in “TMS WEB Core: Web Application Development with Delphi” and previous Hands-On titles are not included again but referenced.
Hands-on with Delphi - Volume 3

Hands-on with Delphi - Volume 3


Dr Holger Flick

Learn to build and deploy modern, multi-tier data-driven Delphi applications for multiple platforms with the Visual Component Library (VCL), FireMonkey (FMX), and TMS WEB Core!

Become a VCL UI Grid Control Insider!

Get to know TAdvStringGrid and its data-aware counterpart TDBAdvGrid in detail. Starting with basic examples, use HTML, insert images, export and import data, customize navigation and mouse-interaction. In-depth look at sorting, editing, filters, and grouping with real-world examples

Efficiently work with data from text files, embed it in your executable, or use FireDAC with SQLite. Write asynchronous, non-blocking code

Use vector images in your grid, browse ZIP archives, and export reports to Microsoft Excel and Adobe PDF

Take the fear out of complex multi-tier Delphi projects!

Step-by-step you will learn to build a database, add a Web service, write clients for Windows, Smartphones, and the Web!

Learn how to deploy your Web services as Windows Services and manage them using a Web interface as part of your service

Test and add documentation with Swagger UI

Easily retrieve diagnostic information to monitor your services with Windows Management Instrumentation

Build Web and cross-platform desktop applications with TMS Web Core and the powerful TMS Miletus sharing the same code base

Modern Software Development with Delphi

Modern Software Development with Delphi


Dr Holger Flick

Learn to develop a desktop application, plus an API and an ORM

Dive into the World of Modern Software Development with Delphi!

Unlock the potential of Delphi programming and embark on a journey into the core of software development. This comprehensive guide is your key to crafting a non-trivial application using Delphi, equipped with TMS Aurelius Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) technology, TMS FlexCel for report generation, TMS XData for web service integration, and an exploration of modern techniques for robust application development. Discover the seamless fusion of traditional development and modern methodologies as you build an entity class model for your application first. Through step-by-step tutorials, delve into the intricacies of leveraging TMS Aurelius to harness the power of ORM, enabling compatibility with any database supported by Delphi, granting flexibility in your data management without writing SQL queries.

  • Comprehensive guidance on building a non-trivial application with Delphi using TMS Aurelius for ORM
  • Creating an entity class model for flexible data management across various databases
  • Leveraging TMS FlexCel for dynamic report generation, including a preview, and exporting to PDF
  • Utilizing TMS XData for secure web services with token-based access control
  • Lightning-fast data reorganization and presentation with an in-memory database
  • Exploring modern language features of Delphi such as generics, interfaces, custom attributes, record helpers, and more

Suitable for everyone interested in building software with Delphi using modern technologies. Dive into the concepts with downloadable source code, enabling you to accelerate your learning and implementation process. Whether you're a seasoned developer seeking to expand your toolkit or a newcomer to the world of Delphi, this book is your gateway to mastering modern software development. Elevate your projects, streamline your workflows, and unleash the true potential of Delphi.

This book extensively covers the use of TMS Aurelius, TMS FlexCel, and TMS XData. These are commercial products that require a license. However, fully functional trial versions of these tools are available, enabling you to follow the examples in the book and explore the functionalities.

TMS WEB Core: Web Application Development with Delphi

TMS WEB Core: Web Application Development with Delphi


Dr Holger Flick
Discover the endless possibilities of software development with TMS WEB Core ... For more than two decades, the development environment Delphi is known for the rapid programming of Windows applications. Especially the easy creation of desktop database applications and the uncomplicated deployment of the applications to customer systems made Delphi popular compared to other programming languages. For several years now, software can be created for the target platforms Linux, MacOS as well as the mobile operating systems iOS and Android. With TMS WEB Core, modern web applications can be programmed with Delphi since the beginning of 2018. These applications can be executed completely in the web browser because they are translated into JavaScript. Detailed description of the basics, the functionality, and the transpiler (based on pas2js) Step-by-step creation of the first web application Progressive Web Applications (PWA) for offline use Electron applications: Cross-platform Desktop applications based on web applications Integration of JavaScript classes and controls Creating web services for databases with TMS XData Integration of databases with TDataset controls XData-specific functionality for use in web applications Responsive web design (form designer, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap) The final chapter provides a comprehensive and practical example of server and web application with Google Maps and Google Charts The content is suitable for both beginners and advanced developers interested in creating web applications with TMS WEB Core. Knowledge of Delphi (Object Pascal) and the Visual Component Library (VCL) is required. To reproduce the numerous examples, you need a current version of Delphi and TMS WEB Core. The free Delphi Community Edition is sufficient as well as the trial version of TMS WEB Core.
TMS WEB Core: Web Application Development with Delphi (second edition)

TMS WEB Core: Web Application Development with Delphi (second edition)


Dr Holger Flick
Updated & Extended 2nd Edition: Become a TMS WEB Core Insider! Learn with detailed, hands-on examples from installation to deployment including web applications, cross-platform desktop applications and multi-tier application scenarios with database-driven web services. Detailed description of the basics, the functionality, and asynchronous language features Step-by-step description from building your first web application, Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) up to multi-tier applications with database-driven web service backends Electron and TMS Miletus cross-platform desktop applications based on web applications How to integrate existing JavaScript classes and controls Create Windows and Linux web services with TMS XData for multi-tier applications Build applications with web services and WebSockets to access real-time APIs Integrate databases with TDataset controls XData-specific functionality for use in web applications Responsive web design - form designer, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap Comprehensive and practical examples for web services and web application development Learn how to use popular services like Google Maps, Google Charts, and YouTube Examples of how to deploy your applications to Linux, Windows, and hosting providers See how to package your applications quickly using Docker Suitable for everyone interested in creating web applications with TMS WEB Core.
TMS WEB Core: Webanwendungen mit Delphi entwickeln

TMS WEB Core: Webanwendungen mit Delphi entwickeln


Dr Holger Flick
Lernen Sie in diesem Buch die zahlreichen Möglichkeiten der Softwareentwicklung mit TMS WEB Core kennen. Seit mehr als zwei Jahrzehnten ist die Programmiersprache Delphi bekannt für die schnelle Anwendungsentwicklung von Windows Anwendungen. Insbesondere die einfache Erstellung von Desktop-Datenbankanwendungen und die unkomplizierte Bereitstellung der Anwendungen auf Kundensystemen machten Delphi gegenüber anderen Programmiersprachen populär. Seit einigen Jahren kann Software für die Zielplattformen Linux und MacOS sowie die mobilen Betriebssysteme iOS und Android erstellt werden. Mit TMS WEB Core können seit Anfang 2018 moderne Webanwendungen mit Delphi programmiert werden, die vollständig im Webbrowser ausgeführt werden, da die programmierten Anwendungen in JavaScript übersetzt werden. Ausführliche Beschreibung der Grundlagen, der Funktionsweise und des Transpilers (basierend auf pas2js), Schrittweise Erstellung der ersten Webanwendung, Progressive Web Applications (PWA) zur Offline-Nutzung, Electron Anwendungen: Erstellen Sie plattformübergreifende Desktopanwendungen basierend auf Webanwendungen, Einbinden von JavaScript und JavaScript-Komponenten, Erstellen von Webservices für Datenbanken mit TMS XData, Einbinden von Datenbanken mit TDataset-Komponenten, XData-spezifische Funktionalität bei der Nutzung in Webanwendungen, Responsives Webdesign (Formulardesigner, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap), Abschließendes Kapitel mit umfassendem und praxisnahem Beispiel mit Server- und Webanwendung mit Google Maps und Google Charts. Die Inhalte sind sowohl für Einsteiger als auch für fortgeschrittene Entwickler geeignet, die sich für die Erstellung von Webanwendungen mit TMS WEB Core interessieren. Vorausgesetzt werden Kenntnisse der Programmiersprache Delphi (Object Pascal) und der Visuellen Komponenten Bibliothek (VCL). Zum Reproduzieren der zahlreichen Beispiele benötigen Sie eine aktuelle Version von Delphi und TMS WEB Core. Die kostenfreie Delphi Community-Edition ist ausreichend sowie die Testversion von TMS WEB Core.