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Primož Gabrijelčič

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About Primož Gabrijelčič

Primož Gabrijelčič is a long-time Delphi programmer, writer for The Delphi Magazine, Monitor, and Blaise Pascal magazines and frequent contributor to the Delphi-SI community. His Delphi-related ramblings are collected on the The Delphi Geek blog. In his long career he has produced several open-source projects such as Delphi profiler GpProfile (now maintained by others). His active projects include OmniThreadLibrary, a multithreading library for Delphi and several open-sourced Delphi tools, published in the GpDelphiUnits repository.

Books from Primož Gabrijelčič

Delphi High Performance Delphi High Performance - Second Edition Hands-On Design Patterns with Delphi Mastering Delphi Programming: A Complete Reference Guide Parallel programming with OmniThreadLibrary