Xavier Pacheco

Delphi 5 Developer's Guide

Delphi 5 Developer's Guide


Steve Texeira, Xavier Pacheco
The Delphi 5 Developer's Guide is a complete reference showing developers what they need to know most about Delphi 5. The text begins with a tour of Delphi 5 basics, including improvements since version 1. After observing object-oriented Pascal programming, including advanced language features, the authors turn to the strengths of using the Visual Component Library (VCL) application frameworks. They include several invaluable sections for corporate developers, including a "coding standards" document. Sections on combining VCL with ActiveX controls round out the basic tour. Advanced topics include graphics programming, building dynamic link-libraries (DLLs), printing, and multithreading.
Delphi 6 developer's guide

Delphi 6 developer's guide


Bob Swart, Dan Miser, David Sampson, Nick Hodges, Ray Konopka, Steve Texeira, Xavier Pacheco
Borland(r) Delphi 6 Developer's Guide is a new edition of the #1 best-selling Delphi book by authors Steve Teixeira and Xavier Pacheco. Steve and Xavier are of the winners of the Delphi Informant Reader's Choice Award for both Delphi 4 Developer's Guide and Delphi 5 Developer's Guide. Borland(r) Delphi 6 Developer's Guide is completely updated for Delphi 6 and includes in-depth coverage on Borland's new CLX architecture, DBExpress Applications, SOAP, CORBA, WebSnap and BizSnap features. It continues as a complete reference and authoritative guide to the newest version of Delphi.